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Middle Grades ELA: Teaching Beyond the EOG at NCCAT

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Thank you to these teachers from across North Carolina for being with us for "Middle Grades ELA: Teaching Beyond the EOG." Teachers are engaging in and crafting their own language arts activities that engage both the child and the budding adult in each of their students. Activities will address reading, writing, thinking, speaking and listening skills. We appreciate these educators being with us and look forward to keeping in touch!

From some students, winter break is not a vacation at all

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NCCAT's Dr. Deb Teitelbaum with a reminder in this blog post that for some students, winter break is not a vacation at all. ...

"Make an effort to be the calm, trustworthy, reliable adult they absolutely need at this time. 

As Eric Jensen wrote, “If yelling worked, the kids from the worst families would be the best behaved.”

Click here for more.

Holocaust Education at NCCAT

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Educators from across North Carolina gathered at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching for "Holocaust Education: Effective Strategies And Resources" in Cullowhee.

This program offered teachers an opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the historical context of the Holocaust. Focusing on best practices, appropriate strategies, and significant resources for instruction, they gained an understanding of the precursors, events, and consequences of the Holocaust.