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Wilson County Schools Educators Awarded NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarships

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) is proud to announce that two educators, April Sherrod and Lisa Hendricks, have been awarded NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarships for 2023-2024. April Sherrod, a 7th-grade math teacher at Forest Hills Middle School, has been named the recipient of the Elsie Brame and Norma Henderson Leonard Hunt HES for 2023-2024. Lisa Hendricks, a Health Sciences teacher at James Hunt High School, has been honored with the Mabel Roberson McIntyre HES for the same period.

NCCAT Fall Registration Open Now: Opportunities for North Carolina Educators to Enhance Teaching Expertise

North Carolina educators are invited to take advantage of professional development opportunities offered by the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) from September through December. NCCAT provides educators with a platform for collaboration and growth. Lodging, meals, and materials are provided free of charge, making these programs accessible to educators across the state.