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NCCAT in Lincoln County Schools

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Title 1 Teachers at Lincoln County Schools took part in a program called "Engaging Parents in Early Grades Literacy" led by NCCAT faculty member Ernest H. Johnson. The focus was strategies for removing barriers that are hindering the process for involving parents in literacy work with their children. With teachers spending less than 40 hours (out of 168) a week with K-5 students, the need for students to be more involved in literacy activities at home is great.

Brunswick County School team visits NCCAT

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Glad to have a group from Brunswick County Schools with us for a Solution and Planning Teams program. This group will be working on creating quality written comprehension questions that align with the standards as well as the creation of a rubric for each and every question they create, so that when they return, they have a complete set of progress monitoring books along with a question and rubric for each.