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NCCAT Summer program registration will open May 16th

New Registration System Graphic Announcing Change

Summer registration will open May 16th for programs at The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a recognized national leader in professional development, Cullowhee and Ocracoke campuses.

Applicants are encouraged to register as soon as possible to ensure a position in programs. If any changes in the program schedule are necessary, NCCAT will immediately communicate these changes to participants.

Program topics include digital learning, early grades literacy, science of reading, differentiated instruction, math instruction, teacher leadership, and STEM. NCCAT provides teachers new knowledge, skills, teaching methods, and best practices to take back to their classrooms.

NCCAT actively seeks input from public and charter school systems regarding how best to meet their professional development needs. Our commitment to support North Carolina teachers is reflected in the ever-expanding variety of programs we present and through our goal to provide programs in highly accessible residential, online, school-based, and regional formats.

A new registration system will be in place with enhanced search capabilities, a convenient shopping cart and a mobile friendly interface, the new registration platform has been designed for ease of use. The layout has been simplified, and all the information prospective students need for registration will now be conveniently available in one location. Staff supporting NCCAT registration will also benefit from an improved user experience and various automations.

Looking forward to Summer Registration starting May 16th!