It’s Easy to Make a Difference! Your Support Can Take Many Forms
Giving Online is Fast, Secure, and Easy
Make a one-time online gift to the Development Foundation of NCCAT right now by clicking here. Or make a recurring donation via credit card by clicking here. NCCAT welcomes gifts of all types, and will work with you and your financial advisors to maximize your tax benefits and the value of your gift to NCCAT. Click here to give online.
Cash, Check or Credit Card
Gifts of cash include checks or credit card donations. NCCAT also offers a recurring donation option, making it easier than ever to donate to the Development Foundation on a regular basis. You can also make a secure credit card donation online. Click here to give online.
Stocks or Bonds
Your broker can transfer securities to NCCAT or send unsigned stock certificates by certified mail to the Development Foundation. Please contact Emily Langdon ([email protected]) for more information.
Planned Gifts
Planned gifts, such as bequests and income-producing gifts, can provide benefits to your family both now and in the future. These are gifts that will live on, benefiting teachers for many generations to come. Other gift opportunities, including the use of retirement assets, allow for maximizing the current and future benefit to both your family and NCCAT.
Real Estate or Tangible Personal Property
NCCAT can accept gifts of real estate, allowing you to make a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the property. NCCAT can also elect to accept gifts of tangible personal property, and will provide the donor with a tax deduction for the appraised value of the gift on the date the gift is made. If you own property that has appreciated substantially in value, find out how estate planning that includes a nonprofit institution like NCCAT can reduce the tax burden on your estate and potentially generate income for you and your heirs. In some instances, by donating real property, you can increase the value of your estate 200 percent and still do great work in your community.
Matching Gifts
You can often double or even triple your gift to NCCAT with matching funds provided by your employer. Check with your company's personnel office or contact us to learn if your company offers a gift matching option.
Ways to Give – Specific Gift Models
What You Can Give
Real Estate
Appreciated Securities
Personal Property
Retirement Plan Assets
Life Insurance
Business Interests
Partnership Interests
How You Can Give
Outright Gift
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Bargain Sale
Deferred Gift Annuity
Note: The Development Foundation of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching Inc. presents this information on giving tangible personal property only to help identify some of the benefits you may wish to explore. For advice relevant to your specific situation, please consult your personal legal, tax, and financial professionals.