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Focus Friday program MTSS for Administrators registration open now

CULLOWHEE - How do you create an environment where every student has access to what they need to succeed? Critical factors in supporting students include defining our core, developing structures of equity and access for all, and creating a data-based implementation plan. Join NCCAT on October 4th in Cullowhee for "Focus Friday - MTSS for Administrators." The program number is 15176.

We will delve into all of these to help you leave with a plan to scale up your support for students. We will explore interventions, accommodations, and modifications; determine our nonnegotiables; and learn about monitoring for success.

The Focus Friday programs offer teachers the opportunity to look into a variety of topics while at NCCAT, a recognized national leader in professional development programming for teachers, for a day. Come be a part of NCCAT’s daylong professional development session. Breakfast and lunch is included. The programs will be at the NCCAT Cullowhee campus from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.