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Literacy offerings coming up from NCCAT

NCCAT will be offering two special literacy learning opportunities this August in Cullowhee. The week of August 3-7 educators can take part in "Engineering Design: Literacy Through Problem Solving" and "Strengthening Instruction In Early Grades Literacy." 
Engineering Design: Literacy Through Problem Solving: It's easy to see how engineering applies to robots, but how does it apply to the life sciences? Use an engineering problem-solving strategy, the engineering design cycle, in the studies of ecology, molecular biology, genetics, and other life sciences. From the micro to the macro, tackle these and other questions: How do molecules move into and out of cells? Why is clean water critical to healthy ecosystems? Investigate the natural integration between literacy and science as we analyze informational texts to support innovation, learn strategies to help students uncover facts as they read, and challenge students' preconceptions. Utilize the cycle with literacy strategies, simulations, and data collection tools to motivate creative thinking. Geared toward the middle grades, the concepts can easily be scaled up or down to fit your classroom needs.
Strengthening Instruction in Early Grades Literacy: In order for students to become globally competitive, it is imperative students receive a good foundation in literacy instruction. With new challenges facing teachers each day, this task can be daunting. Learn how to effectively maintain a progress monitoring assessment schedule. Use data to develop engaging lessons that foster a love of reading while still teaching foundational skills. Develop a reading and writing environment that is welcoming and inviting to students of all developmental levels.