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Richard L. Thompson Named Interim Executive Director of NCCAT


Dr. Elaine Franklin, executive director of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, recently announced that she will be leaving the center at the end of August to direct the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development at NC State University. Franklin has been the executive director of NCCAT since April 2011. Franklin noted that NCCAT and the Kenan Fellows Program have worked closely for a number of years and she looks forward to growing that relationship.

Fletcher “Gene” McIntyre Takes a Seat on NCCAT Board of Trustees


Earlier this month, Fletcher “Gene” McIntyre of New London was appointed to a four-year term by Speaker of the House Thom Tillis (R-Cornelius). McIntyre’s term began July 1, 2013.

“We are very pleased to welcome Gene McIntyre to the NCCAT Board of Trustees,” said NCCAT Board Chair Greg West of Fayetteville.

NCCAT Hosts Carolina Coding Initiative Events


Carolina Coding Initiative will be hosting a public launch of the series Dec. 9 at NCCAT in Cullowhee that is also sponsored by Southwestern Community College and Western Carolina University. The events will help’s goal of getting 10 million students of all ages to try programming for the first time this year. The initiative only seeks one hour of commitment from the learners over a one-week period. The classes are basic coding for beginners.

Six teachers named Honored Educator Scholars at NCCAT


Six teachers from across North Carolina received Honored Educator Scholarships at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a recognized national leader in professional development programming for our state’s teachers. NCCAT’s Honored Educator Scholarships program pays tribute to outstanding individuals and educators, covering all expenses associated with the teacher’s participation. Each teacher receives $250 for use in the classroom.

NCCAT Joins International Effort to Support Computer Programming


As part of the international initiative “Hour of Code” sponsored by, the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT), in partnership with Western Carolina University, Southwestern Community College, and the public schools of Jackson County in western N.C., hosted a series of events to promote literacy in coding.

Postponement of Programs at Cullowhee Campus


Due to safety concerns about travel and the future forecast for a widespread winter weather event in North Carolina, NCCAT has postponed two programs at the Cullowhee campus:

"Reading Resources: Equipping Your Classroom for Reading Success"
"Data Literacy: Train the Trainer Cohort 2"
NCCAT staff will contact those enrolled about their options.

"The Research and Development Team Program" currently taking place at the Ocracoke campus is continuing as scheduled with participants already on site.