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Shanna Good Awarded NCCAT Lynda Petty Honored Educator Scholarship for 2023-2024

Shanna Good and NCCAT Digital Learning Specialists Jason Lineberger.

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) is proud to announce Shanna Good, a Math and ELA Teacher at Trinity Middle School in Randolph County Schools, as the recipient of the NCCAT Lynda Petty Honored Educator Scholarship for the 2023-2024 period.

The Lynda Petty Honored Educator Scholarship is a tribute to the late Lynda Petty, a prominent figure known as the “First Lady of NASCAR” and a dedicated advocate for public education in Randolph County. Mrs. Petty's legacy includes her commitment to improving education for children, serving as a school volunteer, and her tenure on the Randolph County Board of Education, including seven years as its chairperson.

The NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship covers all expenses related to participation in an NCCAT program, including program materials, instruction, food, lodging, transportation, and substitute teacher costs. Additionally, the honored educator receives a $250 grant for use in their classroom.

Applications for the 2024-2025 NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarships are currently open until April 30th. Interested educators can apply by visiting the NCCAT website at

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) is dedicated to providing high-quality professional development opportunities for educators across North Carolina. NCCAT offers a range of programs and resources designed to support teachers in their professional growth and enhance student learning outcomes.

Photo Caption: Ms. Good is pictured with NCCAT Digital Learning Specialists Jason Lineberger, who led the NCCAT program she attended - "Expanding Your Technology Toolbox" at NCCAT Cullowhee.