Registration open now for NCCAT Online Course Second quarter. Courses begin Sept. 30th. Register now!
DIG 100 - Getting Organized Online
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of great web content that you come across on a daily basis? Are you looking for the tools and processes to help you organize your digital self? You’ve come to the right place. Come explore tools and processes that can help you organize the digital chaos you encounter on the web.
5 contact hours
DIG 101 - Getting to Know your Google Apps for Education
This course will explore the tools in your Google Apps for Education account while working with staff or students. Participants will learn how to use Google tools.
10 contact hours
DIG 102 - Getting Started with Google Classroom
Teachers who are new to Google Classroom will demonstrate proficiency in utilizing Classroom to create, distribute, and grade assignments in a paperless manner. Classroom allows for information, resources, and files to be easily shared between teachers and students. Google Classroom combines Google Drive for assignment creation and distribution. It uses Google Docs, Sheets, Drawings, Forms, and Slides for communication and Google Calendar for scheduling. Teachers can monitor the progress for each student and comment on student work. By creating a Google Classroom and posting assignments, discussions, and quizzes, teachers will be able to interact with their students in an engaging manner and in a one-stop platform to assist with workflow.
10 contact hours
DIG 103 - Getting Started with Canvas
Canvas is a commonly used Learning Management System (LMS). If you're new to Canvas, this course will help you feel confident to use this platform to support your teaching.
10 contact hours
DIG 104 - Online Discussion Tools for the Classroom
It's time to rethink how to engage students in classroom discussions. Learn how to make classroom discussions more exciting by engaging students with digital tools to brainstorm ideas, share responses, and involve everyone. Discover digital tools that can be used without having to create student accounts. It is time for students to be active in their learning and stay engaged!
10 contact hours
DIG 105 - Introduction to AI in the Classroom
Transform your classroom with Artificial Intelligence: Become empowered to integrate AI into teaching practices, enhance learning and create an innovative environment.
DIG 106 - Expanding your Tech Toolbox - Online Edition
Digital learning is a broad category that encompasses the use of digital resources and technology to enhance and differentiate instruction. In this online version of NCCAT's residential seminar, participants will explore these digital tools as students to best determine how to use them effectively as teachers, then leave with a virtual toolbox of new techniques to take back to the classroom.
DIG 107 - Supporting Student SEL in a Digital Environment
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which students and educators obtain and effectively apply the knowledge, viewpoint, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions. SEL helps us set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This course will help participants promote the inter-relationships between classrooms, schools, families, and communities. Participants will be more aware of social-emotional learning and how to incorporate these competencies into their classrooms.
DIG 108 - Differentiation for the Classroom
Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Teachers use ongoing assessment and flexible grouping to make instruction successful for all students, whether it is differentiating content, process, products, or the learning environment. In this course, participants will review Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, multiple intelligences, and classroom strategies to meet diverse learners' needs.
5 contact hours.
EGL 100 - Lit Badge: Phonics and Word Study
This class will focus on Phonological Awareness. Phonological Awareness is critical for learning to read any alphabetic writing system (Ehri, 2004; Rath, 2001; Troia, 2004). There are several well-established lines of argument for the importance of phonological skills in reading and spelling. NCCAT will offer a six-session Canvas series focused on a research-to-practice exploration of the foundational skills in early literacy. Attend all six and earn an NCCAT literacy badge or attend individual sessions to deepen your own understanding of the building blocks of beginning reading.
EGL 101 - Lit Badge: Phonological Awareness
This class will focus on Phonological Awareness. Phonological Awareness is critical for learning to read any alphabetic writing system (Ehri, 2004; Rath, 2001; Troia, 2004). There are several well-established lines of argument for the importance of phonological skills in reading and spelling. NCCAT will offer a six-session Canvas series focused on a research-to-practice exploration of the foundational skills in early literacy. Attend all six and earn an NCCAT literacy badge or attend individual sessions to deepen your own understanding of the building blocks of beginning reading.
EGL 102 - Lit Badge: Fluency
This class will focus on fluency. “Reading fluency has long been acknowledged as an essential skill that readers must develop to facilitate comprehension and motivate engagement in the act of reading” (Hasbrouck, 2019).
10 contact hours
EGL 103 - Lit Badge: Vocabulary
This class will focus on vocabulary. Research is very clear on the importance of vocabulary to reading comprehension. In fact, “Vocabulary is the largest determinant of comprehension of language” (Biemiller 2015).
10 contact hours
EGL 104 - Lit Badge: Comprehension
This class will focus on comprehension. “Reading comprehension is the act of understanding and interpreting the information within a text. It results from efficient decoding and the ability to understand language” (Gough & Tunmer, 1986).
10 contact hours
EGL 105 - Lit Badge: Reading and Writing Connections
This class will focus on the connections between writing and reading. Writing directly benefits students' reading skills. If you have students write about what they've read or learned, you will dramatically improve reading comprehension. There is a reciprocal relationship between reading and writing. Engagement and instruction in one result in improvement in the other.
10 contact hours
LIT 100 - Interactive Read-Alouds
Stressed about maximizing your literacy block time? Making the most of instructional tasks throughout the day can seem daunting. Reading aloud to students is a time-honored tradition that has a valuable place in the daily schedule. Learn the importance of this activity and how to boost student engagement and reading skills.
LIT 101 - Using Choice Boards in Literacy Instruction
Meeting the diverse learning needs of readers and writers within a classroom is a daunting task. One approach to differentiating literacy instruction is through the use of choice boards, which can help teachers structure literacy tasks while providing students with choices. Come learn how to use choice boards for differentiated literacy instruction.
5 contact hours
LIT 103 - Literacy and Diversity
English teachers, literacy coaches, and librarians: this is the course for you! Ever wonder if you are supplying materials that meet the needs of ALL students and showcasing global awareness? This course is designed to get educators thinking about the books we choose for our schools and what those selections say to our students. During this course, you will learn ways to analyze your reading selections, find resources to guide diverse collections and learn about various book awards that highlight different ethnicities, cultures, genders, and colors. This course will also highlight the importance of graphic novels in the classroom as a way to reach dormant readers. While there are discrepancies in the publishing industry, it is our job as educators to demand diverse books for our PreK-12 students, and this course is the first step in learning more.
10 contact hours
LIT 104 - Writer's Corner: Reading, Writing, and Reflecting
It's time to rethink how we approach writing in the classroom. As educators, we, too, need to embrace the writer within. This course allows teachers to learn different approaches to get students thinking, writing, and sharing ideas. Teachers will be engaged in writing activities that foster creativity and engagement.
10 contact hours
LIT 105 - The Role of Questioning in the Classroom
Today, literacy is about making sense of engaging reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Questions provide the opportunity to interact with print and non-print text to figure out the deeper meaning of what is being read. The role of questioning is essential to any classroom. When the instruction is organized around meaningful questions, students are engaged and understanding becomes more focused. Learn how to use questioning strategies to enhance reading and advance critical thinking. By planning around essential questions, teachers are allowing students to tackle content, increase their comprehension and academic skills, and take ownership of their learning. Come learn how to create essential questions to make your students succeed inside and outside the classroom.
MAT 100 - Students as Problem Solvers in Math Classrooms
This course focuses on how to engage students in authentic problem-solving. Strategies and resources are shared that provide opportunities for students to think critically and persevere in problem-solving. This course is best aligned for 3-8 grade teachers.
5 contact hours