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13978 • Engaging Parents in Early Grades Literacy - Ocracoke

Event location
2 Irvin Garrish Highway, PO Box 1540, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Event Date and Time

Designed with post-program components.

Experts in early grades literacy agree that parental involvement is a key component of early literacy success and future academic achievement. Involving parents and other caregivers in the learning process is an essential part of the challenge of helping children learn to read and continuously improve as readers and writers. Discover best practices for engaging parents in the learning process, including ways they can help their children see the association between the written and the spoken word. Recognizing the importance of support teams for implementing instructional change, teams from the same school are encouraged to apply. Participants will share information with their fellow teachers with the ultimate goal of implementing school wide parent engagement programs.

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Event Date and Time