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Cumberland County, Cherokee, Davidson and Statesville groups at NCCAT

NCCAT is happy to have four school groups with us this week for Research and Development Teams programs. Thanks to all of these educators for the great work.

Reid Ross Classical School (Cumberland County Schools): Student-Centered Engagement Through the Four C's
RRCS will become familiar with several technology tools so that it may narrow down what may be best for teachers and students. Additionally, the team will simulate how teachers may use those tools in flipped classroom situations.

Cherokee County Schools: Conceptual Framework for Implementing Writing and Reading Interventions with Fidelity
Teachers representing each elementary school in the county will develop a writing plan and a conceptual literacy framework to meet the growing demand of using data to drive instruction. A web-based intervention toolkit will be developed, along with a plan for implementing a writing and MTSS.

Central Davidson Senior High School (Davidson County): Creating 21st Century Learning Commons
Central Davidson High will discuss, plan, research and write two to three grants and submit them.

American Renaissance Charter School (Statesville) : Differentiating for High Achievers
American Renaissance Charter anticipates diving deeper in developing and finalizing a comprehensive plan that includes a process delivery, professional development, support and program evaluation. They will also compile a menu of resources and documents to support the program.