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Set Sail on a Journey of Inquiry: K-5 Social Studies at NCCAT
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NCCAT works with Jackson County Public Schools to provide CTE opportunities
The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) is thrilled to partner with Jackson County Public Schools' Career and Technical Education (CTE) program to offer hands-on learning opportunities. Jackson Bowers, a student at Smoky Mountain High School in Sylva, will be gaining valuable work experience by assisting Joshua Brooks, the NCCAT Cullowhee Grounds Supervisor, for approximately 8 hours each week.
Welcome back to school from NCCAT! Tips for a new year
NC Educators Elevate Your Teaching Skills: Earn Your NCCAT Beginning Teacher Badge
Calling all beginning teachers! Enhance your teaching journey and earn an NCCAT Beginning Teacher Badge by completing all four sessions in our comprehensive series. This program is designed to equip you with the tools you need to excel in the classroom and make a lasting impact on your students. Join us September 16-19, at NCCAT Cullowhee. Food, lodging and materials are free.
Student-Centered Instructional Coaching K-12 program at NCCAT in August
Apply now to join NCCAT for "Student-Centered Instructional Coaching K-12" at NCCAT Ocracoke. Instructional coaching is a dynamic part of school communities. Supporting coaching cultures where students are at the center is essential to this work. Join us at NCCAT for the August session to embrace the components of student-centered coaching.
Congratulations to Stephanie Uhrich on Receiving the Susan S. McHugh NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship
Fleming and von Henner Reappointed to NCCAT Board of Trustees positions
Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger has reappointed Dr. Aaron Fleming of Lillington, N.C., and Mrs. Julie Hart von Henner of Arden, N.C., to the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT). NCCAT is a recognized national leader in professional development programming for North Carolina teachers. "We are delighted to welcome back Dr. Fleming and Mrs. von Henner to the Board,” said NCCAT Executive Director Dr. M. Brock Womble.
Congratulations to Shea James: 2023-2024 Robert E. and Hattie H. Bridges NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship Recipient
Shea James, a dedicated teacher of AP Physics, AP Chemistry, and Physical Science at Green Level High School, has been awarded the prestigious Robert E. and Hattie H. Bridges NCCAT Honored Educator Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. This esteemed scholarship covers substitute teacher costs and provides $250 for classroom use. Ms. James is pictured with NCCAT faculty member Jason Lineberger during the "Your Move: Harnessing Design Thinking Using Tabletop Games" program recently at NCCAT Cullowhee.